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Enrichment, Extra Curricular and The BP Charter

Why not get involved our in BP Charter!

The extra-curricular timetable for 2024-25

“Enrichment at Bonus Pastor is meaningful and positive. We offer a diverse range of approaches that seek toBonus Pastor 1 enrich children’s school experience and prepare them well for a fulfilled and purposeful life” Mr Ronan, CEO.

“Enrichment is about planting a seed, opening minds to new environments, experiences, countries, hobbies and interests, and making memories that last a life time”  Mr Lawrence, Assistant Headteacher.

“It’s about broadening our pupils minds to the world outside of the school walls”  Mrs Baverstock, Librarian 

“It’s a pleasure to witness so many students grow in confidence, commitment and passion” Miss Clarke, Assistant Principal and Head of Performing Arts

“Have a go….you only live once! #YOLO” Mr Betts, Science Teacher

Enrichment is incredibly important to us at Bonus Pastor. As the quotes from our staff above show, we care deeply for developing our pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, whilst nurturing a love for learning, helping them to be well rounded, responsible global Catholic citizens.

We value enrichment and extracurricular provision as equally important to our academic provision. This can be in seen in the wide variety of activities and enrichment opportunities provided across the curriculum and wider school, all of which feed into the Bonus Pastor Charter.

The Bonus Pastor Charter is a unique opportunity for all our students here at the College to complete between Years 7 and 10. The BP Charter is a school-based scheme which values and recognises all of the extracurricular activities and enrichment opportunities that our pupils participate in, whether that is being part of a sports team or after school club, going on school day trips to art galleries, museums etc. or further afield on residential, learning to play a musical instrument or completing dramatic and musical performances. It also encompasses the wide range of career learning opportunities that our students can get involved in from career events, meeting employers or experiencing workplaces to visiting colleges and universities. We also actively encourage our students to be an active citizen in their local community whether that's through volunteering, being a part of local clubs outside of school or serving in church. 


The BP Charter


Student’s participation is monitored and once pupils complete the required 20 activities they are awarded their Charter Certificate, which is expected of all pupils during their time here. Some pupils may choose to go beyond that and complete 25, 30 or 35 activities, earning themselves the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards accordingly.

At the beginning of Year 11 pupils are awarded their BP Charter certificate, which highlights the areas that they have achieved and completed. They can then use this in their 6th form/college applications, and staff use it as part of the pupil reference, helping make them stand out from the crowd, and get the best place possible, helping them to compete with someone who may have similar academic qualifications.

Beyond that it can be useful in their University applications and who knows? The BP Charter may actually land them their dream job!

But it is entirely up to each individual student as to whether or not they complete the Charter, however we as a school strive to provide, engage, and where needed support, our pupils in the widest range of extracurricular and enrichment activities possible, to allow them to grow and flourish as responsible citizens of the future.

Please use the downloads available to see the BP Charter Tasks and the Enrichment Protocol for monitoring of the BP Charter and current extra-curricular activities available for students to participate in.

So why not?

  • Why not go on a residential trip to Hindleap Warren, Paris, Rome, Madrid or Belgium?
  • Why not climb mountains, jump in waterfalls and camp out in the wild?
  • Why not learn a musical instrument and perform in concerts?
  • Or act in the last school production?
  • Why not represent our school at sport, football, netball, rugby, cricket and so much more!
  • Or represent your house at sport, chess, oware?
  • Why not join an after school club like the History Society, Art Scholars, Global Futures or Book Group?
  • Be a prefect, house captain, sports captain or fundraiser.

Get involved! 

If you have any questions please get in touch with Mr Lawrence at:

For more information and lots of photos, please see our 2 videos below,

Check out our Galleries page 

Subject Documents Date  
Enrichment Protocol 22nd Jun 2020 Download

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