The House System

Students at Bonus Pastor are split into one of six houses on joining in Year 7. They stay in this house throughout their school life, and gain house points through completing excellent work, displaying outstanding behaviour, and competing in house challenges and sports. These points go towards the House Cup, which is awarded in the final week of term each year. 

Each house is named after an English Martyr, who embodies the characteristics and values that we want our students to develop, and students learn about and celebrate their Saint as part of their House Feast Day. This is an annual celebration, with a liturgy in the morning, followed by a trip outside of school to grow as a house and build relationships. 

Each house also has its own identity, prayer, flag, colour and tie, and all students within the house get a chance to celebrate and represent their house throughout the year though House assemblies, Inter House sport and challenge events such as football and netball, chess, bake off, Sports Day and many more. Students may also fundraise for a variety of charities within their house, raising hundreds of pounds each year. 

Bonus Pastor Houses

Barton Campion Clitherow
Fisher Gwyn More

During week 2 in the timetable, students are registered in their House groups, meaning that students are mixed across the year-groups giving a few students from Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in each form group.  This encourages students to mix across the year groups, support and mentor each other and encourages a stronger sense of community, whilst also discussing and participating in a range of activities which all pupils can get involved in, from discussing current affairs to literacy, numeracy and problem-solving challenges. 

Pupils also have the opportunity to develop leadership skills within their house by being a buddy to a new year 7 student, or a sport, fundraising or house captain.

The House System is an integral part of Bonus Pastor, and something which all of our students speak highly of. 

Latest House News

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Panto trip dec 2023

Board game cafe nov 2023



Friday 3rd november 2023 weekly quizpptx 2

Inter house trampolining posterpptx 1


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Copy inter house dates 2023 24

Inter house bake off





Inter house badminton

Morning notices wk beginning 2 jan 23

Panto trip dec 2022



Download 2






Inter House Chess

Year 7 Inter House Handball

Year 8 Inter House BasketballGwyners are winners

Gwyn house mark mental health week

Board game cafe

Barton inter house chess

Gwyn house fundraising

Gwyn house class of 2024

Gwyn house heros

Year 7 panto trip

Inter house basketball

Christmas jumper day

Well done gwyn and clitherow

Barton fundraising

Inter house oware

Hindleap warren 2019

Gwyn house feast day

Handball champions